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The Complete Clinical Note Taking Bundle is an essential toolkit for psychologists and mental health workers looking for a solution to their clinical note taking. If you are looking for a simple yet efficient template bundle that will save you time and streamline your process, this bundle is for you!


With this bundle I have included:


- Initial Assessment Template: Ever wonder what exactly you need to include in an initial assessment? Never lose sight again with my template. It is comprehensive and covers all prompts that are essential for initial sessions, capturing all essential facets of a client's background, presenting concerns, and other critical components. 


- Ongoing Therapy Notes: As the therapeutic relationship evolves, so do the complexities of each session. With a tailored template for ongoing therapy, you can consistently document progress, interventions, and any emergent concerns, creating a transparent trail of the therapeutic journey. No more spending countless hours writing your therapy notes! My template is simple yet effective, covering all essential prompts for you to document your notes meticulously. 


- Final Session/Termination of Treatment: Concluding therapy is as crucial as its initiation. The included template ensures that termination is well-documented, summarising the client's journey, progress, and any recommendations or referrals for future care.


Available as a digital bundle, these tools have been curated with a keen understanding of your needs as a clinician. Not only does it simplify the documentation process, but it also enhances the precision and clarity of your records, ensuring optimal client care and clear communication. This resource has been optimised to be used both in print form and on your tablet device.


Purchase individually or as part of my 'Clinical Resource Bundle' for a discount!



Complete Clinical Note Taking

  • Note: This is a digital file. This resource and its contents are the intellectual property of Amanda Moses Psychology. Each purchase is for individual use only and for use with your clients. If you work in a group practice, each professional must purchase their own copy to use this product. There are strictly no refunds.


    Please see the terms of purchase here, for your reference:

Therapy Manuals